
American Express Cash Back Credit Cards

If you have good or excellent credit and are in the market for cash back credit cards, you will certainly want to take a close look at American Express cash back credit cards rewards. American Express offers a wide variety of credit cards with slightly different APRs, rewards offered, and fees, so you will want to compare cash back credit cards from American Express to see which ones will best provide you with the top-quality rewards you prefer and for which the company is known.

American Express cash back credit cards rewards include an unlimited number of cash rewards back to you when you select the Blue Cash From American Express card. You can receive up to five percent cash back on select purchases, and if you need to you can have revolving credit on this card, allowing you to carry over a balance from month to month. This card also offers a long introductory grace period of zero percent APR, which then switches to a variable APR after the grace period comes to an end. There are no annual fees for the Blue Cash card.

Certain American Express cash back credit cards rewards will appeal to those who travel frequently by air. The Blue Sky from American Express credit card, for each dollar you spend using the card, will give you one point. These points add up to superior savings on airline tickets, hotels, cruises or rental cars. Another credit card offered by American Express that will even offer you double miles is called the Gold Delta SkyMiles card. Just make your first buy with the card, and you will receive thousands of bonus miles. Eligible purchases at frequently shopped establishments such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and gasoline stations can earn you double miles.

American Express cash back credit cards rewards will also be awarded based on a favorite city where you would like to use the points you earn. If you would like to redeem your points in the cities of Los Angeles, Chicago or New York, you might select the IN:LA Credit Card from American Express. Although you can use the card outside of the city and you will still earn points, you must use the points in one of the preferred cities named on the card. This might be a good option if you are planning a vacation to any of the selected cities, because your eligible purchases from outside the city will count toward points, which you could then redeem in your vacation city.

When you compare cash back credit cards, do not neglect examining the many benefits that come to the traveler who uses American Express cash back credit cards rewards. To decide which cash back credit cards are right for you, consider the types of purchases you make, the APR being offered, any fees that may apply, and the specific benefits that you can earn.